I can not download any files of your site anymore because it is always limited to premium users. I’m a visitor of your site for many years but since a few weeks I can’t download any videos. I would be glad if you could fix this because otherwise I will have to look for a new site
It always says:
This download available only for premium users.
Upgrade to PREMIUM and forget about limits.
Thank you in advance
Hi Roy, files under 0,5GB are free.
I subscribed 3x for 30-day access to bdsm-latex.net, but in neither case did it add it to my TezFiles Subscriptions, instead I got 3×30-day Premium access – but I still can’t download it. In the past, the subscription went smoothly and without any problems on several occasions. What did I do wrong and how can I subscribe to bdsm-latex.net? If I can’t subscribe, how can I get back the money I paid unnecessarily?
It is always necessary to go to Tezfiles through the bdsm-latex.net website or its files, otherwise you will only pay for general access, which does not work on the bdsm-latex.net website. Try contacting Tezfiles support, but I’m afraid they probably won’t do anything about it. https://help.tezfiles.com/knowledge_base/item/247499?sid=44009
Regards, LR
All your downloads are for Premium User.
Sorry, im out.
Hi Sabine, files under 0,5GB are free.
Could you upload multiple parts instead of one over 0,5GB or add an alternative host because we are not able to download files here anymore which forces us to leave this site then.
Can you tell me where the “Rubber Pussy Fucked in Bathroom” video maker or seller site is? Or, if you could tell me a video from the same creator on this site, I would appreciate it.
If you can just reduce the file size, it doesnt matter if its 4k or HD.
The uploads are too big. I can not download them because they are only for premium users!
Hi Sabine,
only file in one piece have online player. Limit was fixed. Sorry.
Files bigger than 2 GB are only for premium users. Please spit your uploads in smaller files.
Please split your latest uploads “Tied Up Sandra” and “Doggy Bondage” into smaller files. We can not download it.
Hi, limit was fixed. Thanks for help.
Hello, do you have part 3 of Dirty rubber display dummy transformation ?
Could you upload this one “The Hanging Latex Toy” again? Please. Thank
filejoker does not work and never worked. Download interrupted soon after start and cannot be re-started.
Its problem with free downloads………
i think the mp4 is broken, whenever i try to open it, i get some kind of codec issue. Im not sure though if the problem is based on my or on ur side. Did i do anything wrong? do i have to download some kind of codec “pack”?
I can not download this 4 GB file because of the slow downloadspeed it would take more than a day to finish. Could you upload it to another host or split the file into parts? https://www.bdsm-latex.net/second-date/
Is there a way to actually grab the DL link w/ the newer posted links? Keep getting the “You have been redirected through this website from a suspicious source. We prevented it and you are going to be redirected to our safe web site.”
First of all, I wanna say I love your website! Keep up the good work!
Second. Do you have any more videos from the studio who made this one: https://www.bdsm-latex.net/extreme-latex-breathplay/ ? I’ve searched the web for them to no avail. Would really appreciate it if you could find and upload more of those.
Yeah! but I already downloaded all the ones I could find here hahaha. I love the breathplay they do and I wanted to know if you personally had any more videos
Hi, source is talaat.net/index.php?route=product/manufacturer/info&manufacturer_id=51
Part 3 is ok would be fine to have the complete series
hi, new sources added. Enjoy it
Hello, thanks for your site great work. the files “Wet game in Latex part 2”, gil2124 from 14.06.2018 are down. Can you reupload? Thanks for your work.
why is filejoker the new provider?
i was downloading a file and i had a session expire today
not sure if i like this change
Hi, it was just filehost lottery…….
got the problem that fileboom is shit. i m following this site for a very long time now. but fileboom is more and more ppl. maybe there is a way provide another hoster. as long as fileboom stays i cant do anything :/
Hi, whats wrong with FB?
the limitations as free user, the billing for premium, the customer support, and they started killing valid accounts without any reason. same as their parent-company cloudflare
They have thousand users, these 6 reviews are inconclusive. Have someone same or another problem with FB or K2s like ultr4?
I’ve been following your site for a long time and I love it! There is a great collection of links 🙂
But I would have liked to know if you would have liked help to see the links that work no more
kind regards
hei sorry but the links from Hot Rubber Addiction gil1916 from 01.07.2017 are down. Can you reupload please.
Hi, fixed 🙂
While we’re at it: Rubber Doll Transformation (gil1881) could also use a new mirror. The first one is down and the second one is “premium members only”.
I downloaded a rar but I could not open it. BitTorrent did not recognize and the DepositFiles Filemanager says it is a corrupted file. Universal Extractor says that it cannot open it after it downloads 80 percent of the download. What software program must I use to see these downloads?
Hi, best way is Winrar.
could you please reupload the following files on fileboom. Sadly they are offline:
Restrained Latex PlayThing (gil1909)
New Latex Doll 2 (gil1723)
Rubber Doll Training (gil1693)
Rubber Doll Inspection (gil1773)
Rubber Doll Inspection 2 (gil1785)
Rubber Doll Inspection 3 (gil1793)
Latex and Metal Bondage (gil1786)
Latex and Metal Bondage part 2 (gil1840)
Transparent Latex and Fucking Machines (gil1858)
Thoroughly Satisfied (gil1850)
Latex Lucy’s Clinic Exam 1-3 (gil1829, gil1833, gil1849)
Heavy Rubber Bondage 1-2 (gil1818, gil1823)
Fun for Latexed One (gil1813)
Corsetted Latex Doll (gil1810)
Pupett and Vacuum Bed (gil1802)
Hidden Latex Layers (gil1583)
Dressing Latex Slut (gil1489)
Latex Prisoner (gil1766)
Jessica & Gage (gil1776)
Latex Girls Bound Together (gil1740)
It would be very nice of you. Thank you in advance!
Best regards
It will be long time job 😉
Yeah, I can imagine that 😉 Sorry!
Pls change the uploader!?
Downstream VERY LOW (i have 50MBIts but download with 40-90kbit?)
and they delete Links -.-
sry mean the Filehoster…
Fileboom is very bad 🙁
depfile is ok or uploaded..
they are very fast 😉
Salazary do you use Fileboom premium account or free download?
Could anyone share me video or album of this picture, pls!
Hey there!
Love your site! Question: One of your randomly selected site headers is a picture of a girl, arching her back in a transparent vacbed. I believe the filename is “top6.jpg”.
Where is that from? And is there a download for it somewhere around here?
Not 100% sure, but think its Bianca from latexlair*com.
This is an old one and the links are long dead – is it possible to reupload?
Hi, Nurse and Patient in Latex Condom Catsuit is up 🙂
I found a clip on a tube site, it’s high quality but no clue where it’s from, can you help?
Hi there.
When trying to download gil 1253 from fboom.me I get the cryptic error message
“this link assigned with other ip adress“.
But I can download other files just fine.
Hey. can you pls host on a decent Filehost. where it does not take premium to download 50% of the files, and where i dont have to wait an hour for one part of the download.
Hi, premium are only one times reported (deleted) files. Most “decent” fileshosts dont allow porn files.
think we can get any of the newer alterpic stuff? 🙂
Sometimes 🙂
Strapped in Tight Latex is no longer available on fboom.
Hi, fixed for FB premium users.
Strapped in Tight Latex now links to a small text file on fboom, only available to premium members.
Yep, new links after DMCA file report are only for premium user.
Hi, i can’t download video “transparent rubber dolls” gil1186,
maybe it is removed. Please help me download this video.
Damn this site has gone down hill big time. Same old clips, different hosts, what a rip off!!
Oldies but mostly goldies 😉
Could you please make better filehosts the norm on this site? Hosts like fileboom and most of the other popular names are just plain terrible, with their awfully low download speed (needing hours or days to download one little file is just not ok), cooldown periods, size limits, etc. Hosts like mega.co.nz or zippyshare.com are way better, unrestricted, and totally free.
hello as i remember (but may be it’s too far away) there some mirrors of videos on “uploaded” what i all about?
no more ? just like rapid gator now? i bought uploaded account specially for your website …and now …once again i have to change et pay other one … no won’t do that again sorry
the new videos have no downloads with RapidGator. I don’t want to buy an account more by another provider.
Can you tell us, when the videos are online on RapdGator?
Thanks for your Help.
Hi, rapidgator deleted close to 5000 mirrored files from our archive without any DMCA clue. Sorry Paul but RG is unguided missile for now 🙁
Hey, but we bought an RG account for a year. Now you changed and we need to buy a FB account for 90 $. And next month you will change to another? Please upload to RG again! Thx.
Latest RG files was deleted after 3 hours! Its downloading hunt. Give me another idea how to stay with RG.
The Rapidgator links of “Strict Blowjob in Latex” and “New Latex Doll” are offline. It’ll be great if you could fix them, given that the FileBoom ones require a premium account to download them.
Thank you in advance.
Hi, I like this clip a lot, but I don’t know which company made the clip,
Im having trouble with RG free downloads. do you have another host the you use? Some reason the capcha is not working properly at RG.
Hi, could you check in _gil1643_? the zip files seem ok (no CRC errors, etc.), but the video itself seems broken (ends at 4-5sec). cheers!
Hi, you right. We will reup it. Thanks
Stephen Bus
I wasn’t to see any of the download – when I downloaded the ZIP file a message saying that Depositfiles Filemanager does not recognize that file after I tried to unzip it. And Windows does not recognize the MOV files when I clicked the MOV files.
Hi, bdsm-latex.net files are in rars. You must use winrar program.
John Elderfield
I joined your site as you have a great collection of videos..however I have not been able to download one..fdrom probably 30 attempts..
I have tried 2 different internet connections..every time you get to the download fuction the video begins its down load procerss..maybe gets to 5 to 15 %..then without fail interrupts..you start it again from the beginning and the same thing happens..
It has been a waste of money and a disappointment..any clues
could you upload the following movies of mina to the latex forum too please as filemonster doesn’t allow free download > 1GB. With rapidgator this isn’t an issue. Much appreciated!!!!!! thank you.
rs 132 – sleepsack hood & armbinder
rs 171 – Fetish Doll Breath Play
rs 119 – Sleepsack Total Enclosure
rs 161 – Fetish Doll Wrapped Around A Pole
rs 157 – super strict mina
rs 123 – mummified
Ok, piece by piece 🙂
Both links for file gil1506.rar no longer work.
The latest “Latex Doll in Bondage” Download for free doesn´t working.The Countdown running ,but there is no Captcha that you can Type in.
Too Sad 🙁
Mike Williams
Hi, may I ask, do you happen to have a classic Devonshire video, BDN-91 Strictly Strapped, which featured the beautiful Darby Daniels? I have been looking for this video for ages…if you happen to have this video, then could you please re-post it sometime in the future? These old fashioned bondage videos are simply the best. Thank you so much.
Hi, only 51 and 78 in our library. Maybe in future with luck 🙂
Hi, thank you for your timely reply. I appreciate it. Then when you get a chance, could you please post BDN-78? This also looks like an exciting yet classic video.
Hi, could you please upload BDN-78 when you get a chance? Thank you!
Can you go for Uploaded mirrors again? would be great.
greets, and thanks for your work!
Can you reupload AlexD Game and Obedience (gil414)? Part 1 and 2 links don’t work anymore
Samantha’s Chastity and Latex 2 is not available, would kindly fix it?
BTW, could you upload some videos from chastitybabes?
Hi, links fixed.
Can you upload Part Time 6 – The Initiation? I’ve been trying to find a full video of it but can only find Part Time 1-5.
after downloading the separate files from GIL1608 Latex sex amenities I get ‘corrupt file’ while merging the separate files. I downloaded all parts 2x but I keep getting ‘corrupt file’.
Can you check it out please?
just checked. All files are ok. Btw dont merge files try unrar files with winrar.
Thank you very much
Please can you re upload Whippedass – Devaun Sandra
The links arnt working.
Thank you.
Hi Adrian, links fixed in last update 🙂
is it possible to get another hoster? because rapidgator is slow as shit, and does not accept paypal.
really love the site though.
Hi, paypal blocked all filehosts.
now thats b….t. rapidgator isnt nonpremium friendly :/
hello the movie 1533 Selfbondage in latex catsuit isn’t downloadable for free from either of the 2 platforms given…
Hi, try RG again.
Miracle Maniac – Latex and Bondage links are long dead. can you provide fresh links? Thank you.
Why are my vids being stolen from my site and displayed on this site for free?? If this continues I may as well stop producing vids… What is the point!! Lucy
The thumbnails that you upload with all the links from the host “bdsm-latex.net” are not showing.
what need I do that the link can be shown it?
Can you give us more download link?
The Rapidgator can’t open in my state
Hi, fboom.me works in your country?
yes.it work well
gil1506.rar on Rapidgator was not found. Can you upload it again?
Hi, file fixed for two hosts.
Hi, I love your site but would it be possible to enable the RSS feed? Or there is a specific reason why it is disabled? Since it is disabled I rarely visit the site because I always forget to check the new posts on my own.
gil1448.rar on Rapidgator was not found. Can you upload it again?
Fixed 🙂
Sorry, I just read the message for the re-upload of gil1440 right now. Thank you again. 🙂
First of all, thanks to the website owners for their great job.
I’d like to mention that the first part of “Tight Rubber Cover” (gil1440.part1.rar) seems to have been deleted from Rapidgator. Thus, I’d like to request for it to be uploaded again.
Thank you in advance. Best regards.
Please reupload from Jewell Marceau – Masters Toy gil148.part.2 this link is deleted. Thank you and thank you for re-upload 1440
Please reupload from Tight Rubber Cover gil1440.part.6 this link is deleted. Thank you
Where have all the http://uploaded.net Links gone for the last 5-6 videos? I’ve only just paid for a months subscription and rapidgator is a load of rubbish.
Sorry we can’t offer uploaded.net links for all new posts. But only with rapidgator we can give you more updates than before.
I dislike the “Rapid Gator” hosting. It keeps saying “You can`t download not more than 1 file at a time in free mode.” even several hours after my previous download.
Please can you reupload Latex Maid Service as the links are dead
The second rar for Extreme Rubber Milking is an exe and not the second part of the rar.
Hi we dont post exe file. Uploaded just added check box for uploaded downloader with your download. You can uncheck it before download gil1372.part2.rar.
thx for taking the time to reply…I will take a look and many thanks.
Latex Prison and Latex Prison 2.
Rubber Amenities, Rubber Amenities 2 and Rubber Amenities 3.
Blue Latex Bag.
Latex and 69 Bondage.
Latex Girl Bound in the Table.
Black Catsuit Hogtie says error on Uploaded pls fix thx
gil1311, gil1312, gil1314 file isn’t available.
please reupload, many thanks.
Hi, sorry to bother you again. The following great looking files are missing from Uploaded, could you possibly re-upload them? Thanks!!
1312: Tied in Hot Purple Latex
1314: Black Catsuit With Hood & Belts
1315: Black Catsuit Hogtie
Black Catsuit Hogtie and Tied in Hot Purple Latex links for rapidgator and ul.to is broken.
Please fixed it, thanks
I adore the current LATEX PHOTO OF THE NIGHT, could you give more details from what file does it came from?
photo: 5wnti35186ej.jpg
Samantha’s Chastity and Latex link for rapidgator is broken.
Any chance it can be fixed?
RG link fixed, Enjoy it 🙂
Lydia Mummy link isn’t working, is it possible to reupload? thx
Links fixed
Awesome! Thx guys
Samantha’s Chastity and Latex 2 link was broken, please reupload, many thanks.
I adore the current LATEX PHOTO OF THE NIGHT, I believe this is Summer Cummings, or perhaps Brandy? Certainly a Devonshire Productions scene, I recognize the background. Absolutely loved Brian’s work (back the good old days), purchased many of their videotapes.
Question: Can you tell me what Devonshire video this is taken from? I desperately would like to locate.
For some strange reason I can’t un-archive any of the videos. It always gives me some error in winrar. Are they by any chance encrypted?
I can not download any files of your site anymore because it is always limited to premium users. I’m a visitor of your site for many years but since a few weeks I can’t download any videos. I would be glad if you could fix this because otherwise I will have to look for a new site
It always says:
This download available only for premium users.
Upgrade to PREMIUM and forget about limits.
Thank you in advance
Hi Roy, files under 0,5GB are free.
I subscribed 3x for 30-day access to bdsm-latex.net, but in neither case did it add it to my TezFiles Subscriptions, instead I got 3×30-day Premium access – but I still can’t download it. In the past, the subscription went smoothly and without any problems on several occasions. What did I do wrong and how can I subscribe to bdsm-latex.net? If I can’t subscribe, how can I get back the money I paid unnecessarily?
It is always necessary to go to Tezfiles through the bdsm-latex.net website or its files, otherwise you will only pay for general access, which does not work on the bdsm-latex.net website. Try contacting Tezfiles support, but I’m afraid they probably won’t do anything about it.
Regards, LR
All your downloads are for Premium User.
Sorry, im out.
Hi Sabine, files under 0,5GB are free.
Could you upload multiple parts instead of one over 0,5GB or add an alternative host because we are not able to download files here anymore which forces us to leave this site then.
Multiple parts do not allow online play.
Can you please re-post:
I have been looking for this video for years and the few places I’ve found it posted are dead links.
Thank you!
Hi, it was bad quality vhs copy, no file found, probably deleted year ago. Sorry.
Hi sir why I cannot download from this link :http://www.filesonic.com/file/23086787
Can you help me
Hi, filesonic is few years dead filehost, sorry.
I can neither watch nor download from tezfiles. 🙁 Another hoster would be great, but thanks for your work!
Hi, where is problem?
Tezfiles always gives me just “Unauthorized”. :-((
Hi, do you use premium account or for free?
Please get this vídeo xxx://xxxx.xx/drea-morgan-flooded-dreamorgan.html
Request for Dirty rubber display dummy transformation 3.
Thank you for Dirty rubber display dummy transformation 1-2.
Hello do you have this video?
thank you
Hi, only part 1 and 2. Sorry
Can you tell me where the “Rubber Pussy Fucked in Bathroom” video maker or seller site is? Or, if you could tell me a video from the same creator on this site, I would appreciate it.
If you can just reduce the file size, it doesnt matter if its 4k or HD.
The uploads are too big. I can not download them because they are only for premium users!
Hi Sabine,
only file in one piece have online player. Limit was fixed. Sorry.
Files bigger than 2 GB are only for premium users. Please spit your uploads in smaller files.
Please split your latest uploads “Tied Up Sandra” and “Doggy Bondage” into smaller files. We can not download it.
Hi, limit was fixed. Thanks for help.
Hello, do you have part 3 of Dirty rubber display dummy transformation ?
Could you upload this one “The Hanging Latex Toy” again? Please. Thank
Links on https://www.bdsm-latex.net/latex-electro-play/ are dead/file removed
filejoker does not work and never worked. Download interrupted soon after start and cannot be re-started.
Its problem with free downloads………
i think the mp4 is broken, whenever i try to open it, i get some kind of codec issue. Im not sure though if the problem is based on my or on ur side. Did i do anything wrong? do i have to download some kind of codec “pack”?
Can we get a reupload of Caught and Punished?
Can you split bigger Files in smaller Files?
I download in freemode and my internet is not so good.
any chance of getting Amateur Latex Slavegirl Lena reuploaded? any idea where its from?
Hi, files ready 🙂
I can not download this 4 GB file because of the slow downloadspeed it would take more than a day to finish. Could you upload it to another host or split the file into parts?
Hello, can you please upload this: https://www.bdsm-latex.net/latex-lady/
to another file exchange site?
Hi, lady is back 🙂
File seems incomplete
(part 1 is only 108MB)
Fixed, Thanks
Latex and Thumb Cuffs 1-3 are down.
Please up again.
could you upload gil1824 and gil1834 both with mickey again please?
part 1
part 2
Can we get Latex Electro Play posted again please? 🙂
Do you still have Faces of Fetish 2 with Betty Bi to reup? I cant find it anywhere else.
Original here: https://www.bdsm-latex.net/betty-bi-faces-of-fetish-2/
Hi, sure. It will take some time.
Found in archive 3CDdivx rips do you want it?
Your site in marvellous 👍 Do you have paypal account?
Hi, why? 🙂
is down
Can you re-up Rubber Sack Milking please?
Girl in Pink Catsuit and Chastity Belt… can you re-up it PLEASE? 🙂
The Files from “Pleasure in Self Bondage” are down.
please reup these Files.
Could you restore the mandy marx vaccube orgasm links please? Both links are dead…
Enjoy it 🙂
How can we purchase a hard link in your site?
Please, Dirty rubber display dummy transformation pt3 🙂 THX.
Hi, so many files without real names in archive 🙁
Hi, do you have the videos “Dirty rubber display dummy transformation pt 1, pt 2 and pt 3” by rubbertanja? Thanks a lot!
Enjoy it 🙂
Thank you! Any chance of having part 3?
These Files are down too
Please reup these Files
The Files in
are down.
Can you put it online?
I have a large number of latex pics I would donate to your site. Contact me if interested.
hello site staff.
i’d really apreciate if you could put these guys back up 😉
thanks in advance.
Is there a way to actually grab the DL link w/ the newer posted links? Keep getting the “You have been redirected through this website from a suspicious source. We prevented it and you are going to be redirected to our safe web site.”
I’d really apreciate it if you could fix the links on these three:
I’ve been looking for these sets all over the place and only you seem to have them.
Filejoker is Premium Only again((
Somebody can help me?
I’d really like to dl “Rebreath Rubber Girl 4” but the link on Filejoker is Premium Only. Any chance of a non-Premium link for us poor guys 😉
One good friend help me …
Hi ..need help ..
my card no supported …
you can re-upload on other file hosting ?
First of all, I wanna say I love your website! Keep up the good work!
Second. Do you have any more videos from the studio who made this one: https://www.bdsm-latex.net/extreme-latex-breathplay/ ? I’ve searched the web for them to no avail. Would really appreciate it if you could find and upload more of those.
Hi, you mean like this https://www.bdsm-latex.net/bondage-and-breath-control/? Archive is big 🙂
Yeah! but I already downloaded all the ones I could find here hahaha. I love the breathplay they do and I wanted to know if you personally had any more videos
Hi, source is talaat.net/index.php?route=product/manufacturer/info&manufacturer_id=51
Could you plz reupload https://www.bdsm-latex.net/zentai-and-gas-mask/
It will be really gorgeous, thank you 🙂
Hi, post fixed. Enjoy it 🙂
Could you reupload these please?
On the way 🙂
“checksum error
Unexpected end of archive”
🙁 could you fix the broken files?
Hi, files are ok.
Do you use premium ac for biger files?
These video links are dead.
Can you please re upload it.
Part 3 is ok would be fine to have the complete series
hi, new sources added. Enjoy it
Hello, thanks for your site great work. the files “Wet game in Latex part 2”, gil2124 from 14.06.2018 are down. Can you reupload? Thanks for your work.
Hi, another source added.
Thank you for upload the Vids.
Would you re-upload the Deviant Rubber Nuns series?
the file’s links are not found.
Thank you.
First part up.
I appreciate you uploading the file.
If you don’t mind, would you upload part 2 and 3 too?
Thank you : )
This video link dead.
Please reupload this. Thanks you
Files up. Enjoy it.
Hello, Could you guys, please, re-upload the: https://www.bdsm-latex.net/trapped-in-heavy-rubber/#more-5622
Really want to watch. Thanks
Hi, files renewed. Enjoy it 🙂
why is filejoker the new provider?
i was downloading a file and i had a session expire today
not sure if i like this change
Hi, it was just filehost lottery…….
got the problem that fileboom is shit. i m following this site for a very long time now. but fileboom is more and more ppl. maybe there is a way provide another hoster. as long as fileboom stays i cant do anything :/
Hi, whats wrong with FB?
the limitations as free user, the billing for premium, the customer support, and they started killing valid accounts without any reason. same as their parent-company cloudflare
They have thousand users, these 6 reviews are inconclusive. Have someone same or another problem with FB or K2s like ultr4?
part 4 dead
Hallo, the download link from caroline pierce selfbondage in latex, gil2055 part 4 is down. Can you reupload the links. Thank you for your great work.
I’ve been following your site for a long time and I love it! There is a great collection of links 🙂
But I would have liked to know if you would have liked help to see the links that work no more
kind regards
Could you reupload these please?
Would you reupload below one?
Thank you!
Can you reupload Gwen Media – Fetish Girls 2 to FileBoom
Hi there cann you reup on Fileboom pls?
Hi!. could you reup broken files: https://www.bdsm-latex.net/lara-larsen-latex-bondage-girl/
Hi, post fixed.
1685 file isn’t the same video as the pic/post describes =/
Hi,files fixed. Right is 1655.
Why is everything now “Premium Members only”?? 🙁
???”This file is available only for premium members.”??? It is for at least the last five posts.
Please change! Thx.
Best regards.
hei sorry but the links from Hot Rubber Addiction gil1916 from 01.07.2017 are down. Can you reupload please.
Hi, fixed 🙂
While we’re at it: Rubber Doll Transformation (gil1881) could also use a new mirror. The first one is down and the second one is “premium members only”.
Fixed 🙂
I downloaded a rar but I could not open it. BitTorrent did not recognize and the DepositFiles Filemanager says it is a corrupted file. Universal Extractor says that it cannot open it after it downloads 80 percent of the download. What software program must I use to see these downloads?
Hi, best way is Winrar.
could you please reupload the following files on fileboom. Sadly they are offline:
Restrained Latex PlayThing (gil1909)
New Latex Doll 2 (gil1723)
Rubber Doll Training (gil1693)
Rubber Doll Inspection (gil1773)
Rubber Doll Inspection 2 (gil1785)
Rubber Doll Inspection 3 (gil1793)
Latex and Metal Bondage (gil1786)
Latex and Metal Bondage part 2 (gil1840)
Transparent Latex and Fucking Machines (gil1858)
Thoroughly Satisfied (gil1850)
Latex Lucy’s Clinic Exam 1-3 (gil1829, gil1833, gil1849)
Heavy Rubber Bondage 1-2 (gil1818, gil1823)
Fun for Latexed One (gil1813)
Corsetted Latex Doll (gil1810)
Pupett and Vacuum Bed (gil1802)
Hidden Latex Layers (gil1583)
Dressing Latex Slut (gil1489)
Latex Prisoner (gil1766)
Jessica & Gage (gil1776)
Latex Girls Bound Together (gil1740)
It would be very nice of you. Thank you in advance!
Best regards
It will be long time job 😉
Yeah, I can imagine that 😉 Sorry!
Pls change the uploader!?
Downstream VERY LOW (i have 50MBIts but download with 40-90kbit?)
and they delete Links -.-
sry mean the Filehoster…
Fileboom is very bad 🙁
depfile is ok or uploaded..
they are very fast 😉
Salazary do you use Fileboom premium account or free download?
Could anyone share me video or album of this picture, pls!
Hey there!
Love your site! Question: One of your randomly selected site headers is a picture of a girl, arching her back in a transparent vacbed. I believe the filename is “top6.jpg”.
Where is that from? And is there a download for it somewhere around here?
Not 100% sure, but think its Bianca from latexlair*com.
This is an old one and the links are long dead – is it possible to reupload?
Hi, files up 🙂
Hello. Thank you for upload great stuff 🙂
Would you reupload gil452.rar ?
Hi, Nurse and Patient in Latex Condom Catsuit is up 🙂
I found a clip on a tube site, it’s high quality but no clue where it’s from, can you help?
Hi there.
When trying to download gil 1253 from fboom.me I get the cryptic error message
“this link assigned with other ip adress“.
But I can download other files just fine.
Hi, use help form: http://fboom.me/report.html?file=fbe1046f296d7. Thanks
Thoroughly Satisfied links are dead.
Can you reupload?
Links to Latex and Metal Bondage part 2 are dead. Can you up them agaion please?
is there any known Android downloadmanager which supports fileboom?
For “Latex Lucy’s Clinic Exam part 2” the links are dead.
thanks for GIL1823!
Is it possible that GIL1824 latex doll violet and mickey part I is a corrupt far-file? I tried twice but 2 times unable to extract the rar
Hi, all parts are ok.
Thank you for all those great videos.
The videos of bound-ivy :
– Standing together (2014) (http://www.bondagemix.com/standing-together-2014/) ;
– The bondage challenge (2013) (http://www.bondagemix.com/the-bondage-challenge-2013/)
are down :'(
Please can you re-upload it.
Do you have more videos of this rare and great website bound-ivy.com ?
Thanks a lot in advance !
could you fix Heavy Rubber Bondage 2 / gil1823 please?
Hi, use this links.
Please place the files on the server or rapigator Uploaded
Hi, can you reupload this?
Hi, another FB premium source added.
Hey. can you pls host on a decent Filehost. where it does not take premium to download 50% of the files, and where i dont have to wait an hour for one part of the download.
Hi, premium are only one times reported (deleted) files. Most “decent” fileshosts dont allow porn files.
Thank you for all those great videos.
The video “Super Horny” of this topic https://www.bdsm-latex.net/super-horny/ is already down :'(
Please can you re-upload it.
Thank you in advance ! 🙂
Hi, new links for FB premium users are online.
think we can get any of the newer alterpic stuff? 🙂
Sometimes 🙂
Strapped in Tight Latex is no longer available on fboom.
Hi, fixed for FB premium users.
Strapped in Tight Latex now links to a small text file on fboom, only available to premium members.
Yep, new links after DMCA file report are only for premium user.
Hi, i can’t download video “transparent rubber dolls” gil1186,
maybe it is removed. Please help me download this video.
Damn this site has gone down hill big time. Same old clips, different hosts, what a rip off!!
Oldies but mostly goldies 😉
Could you please make better filehosts the norm on this site? Hosts like fileboom and most of the other popular names are just plain terrible, with their awfully low download speed (needing hours or days to download one little file is just not ok), cooldown periods, size limits, etc. Hosts like mega.co.nz or zippyshare.com are way better, unrestricted, and totally free.
Hi again, could you reupload Condom Latex Catsuit Part 2 gil1553? Files was deleted.
Thank you!
Hi, source for premium users added. Free sources deleted.
Hi, could you upload this video? “THE HIDDEN KEY” ( model Clementine Poulain)
Hi, could you reupload https://www.bdsm-latex.net/vacbed-bondage-ice/ gil1432? I miss part 4.
Hi, only as new upload. (You will need all parts again), Old files was reported for DMCA and deleted.
Ok, that’s fine. Thank You!
First, thank you for your work on this website.
In this post : Selfbondage and Breathplay
The link of the part 1 is down. Please can you re-upload it.
Thanks a lot in advance 🙂
Hi Dweez,
post was reuped. Thanks for dead file report 🙂
Thank you !! This video is so great !! 🙂
The links on your page here are all inactive: https://www.bdsm-latex.net/slave2latex/
Any chance they can be rehosted or if anyone is aware of another active location? Thanks!
All of the links from Latex Lesbian Sex (https://www.bdsm-latex.net/latex-lesbian-sex/) have been deleted.
hello as i remember (but may be it’s too far away) there some mirrors of videos on “uploaded” what i all about?
no more ? just like rapid gator now? i bought uploaded account specially for your website …and now …once again i have to change et pay other one … no won’t do that again sorry
the new videos have no downloads with RapidGator. I don’t want to buy an account more by another provider.
Can you tell us, when the videos are online on RapdGator?
Thanks for your Help.
Hi, rapidgator deleted close to 5000 mirrored files from our archive without any DMCA clue. Sorry Paul but RG is unguided missile for now 🙁
Hey, but we bought an RG account for a year. Now you changed and we need to buy a FB account for 90 $. And next month you will change to another? Please upload to RG again! Thx.
Latest RG files was deleted after 3 hours! Its downloading hunt. Give me another idea how to stay with RG.
Maybe here will stay alive longer:
Thank you very much! 🙂
Now File Boom is down! Is anybody there?!
What happened to Rapid Gator?
So many deleted files 🙁
The Rapidgator links of “Strict Blowjob in Latex” and “New Latex Doll” are offline. It’ll be great if you could fix them, given that the FileBoom ones require a premium account to download them.
Thank you in advance.
Hi, I like this clip a lot, but I don’t know which company made the clip,
“Packed in Latex for Transport”
can you please tell me the website’s name?
Hi, its look like as Gwen Media style.
Im having trouble with RG free downloads. do you have another host the you use? Some reason the capcha is not working properly at RG.
Hi, could you check in _gil1643_? the zip files seem ok (no CRC errors, etc.), but the video itself seems broken (ends at 4-5sec). cheers!
Hi, you right. We will reup it. Thanks
I wasn’t to see any of the download – when I downloaded the ZIP file a message saying that Depositfiles Filemanager does not recognize that file after I tried to unzip it. And Windows does not recognize the MOV files when I clicked the MOV files.
Hi, bdsm-latex.net files are in rars. You must use winrar program.
I joined your site as you have a great collection of videos..however I have not been able to download one..fdrom probably 30 attempts..
I have tried 2 different internet connections..every time you get to the download fuction the video begins its down load procerss..maybe gets to 5 to 15 %..then without fail interrupts..you start it again from the beginning and the same thing happens..
It has been a waste of money and a disappointment..any clues
Hi, do you have RG premium acc?
Yes I do..
Hi there,
could you upload the following movies of mina to the latex forum too please as filemonster doesn’t allow free download > 1GB. With rapidgator this isn’t an issue. Much appreciated!!!!!! thank you.
rs 132 – sleepsack hood & armbinder
rs 171 – Fetish Doll Breath Play
rs 119 – Sleepsack Total Enclosure
rs 161 – Fetish Doll Wrapped Around A Pole
rs 157 – super strict mina
rs 123 – mummified
Ok, piece by piece 🙂
Both links for file gil1506.rar no longer work.
The latest “Latex Doll in Bondage” Download for free doesn´t working.The Countdown running ,but there is no Captcha that you can Type in.
Too Sad 🙁
Hi, may I ask, do you happen to have a classic Devonshire video, BDN-91 Strictly Strapped, which featured the beautiful Darby Daniels? I have been looking for this video for ages…if you happen to have this video, then could you please re-post it sometime in the future? These old fashioned bondage videos are simply the best. Thank you so much.
Hi, only 51 and 78 in our library. Maybe in future with luck 🙂
Hi, thank you for your timely reply. I appreciate it. Then when you get a chance, could you please post BDN-78? This also looks like an exciting yet classic video.
Hi, could you please upload BDN-78 when you get a chance? Thank you!
Hi, its small file with poor quality.
Thank you so much! Really appreciate it!
Can you go for Uploaded mirrors again? would be great.
greets, and thanks for your work!
Can you reupload AlexD Game and Obedience (gil414)? Part 1 and 2 links don’t work anymore
Samantha’s Chastity and Latex 2 is not available, would kindly fix it?
BTW, could you upload some videos from chastitybabes?
Hi, links fixed.
Can you upload Part Time 6 – The Initiation? I’ve been trying to find a full video of it but can only find Part Time 1-5.
after downloading the separate files from GIL1608 Latex sex amenities I get ‘corrupt file’ while merging the separate files. I downloaded all parts 2x but I keep getting ‘corrupt file’.
Can you check it out please?
just checked. All files are ok. Btw dont merge files try unrar files with winrar.
Thank you very much
Please can you re upload Whippedass – Devaun Sandra
The links arnt working.
Thank you.
Hi Adrian, links fixed in last update 🙂
is it possible to get another hoster? because rapidgator is slow as shit, and does not accept paypal.
really love the site though.
Hi, paypal blocked all filehosts.
now thats b….t. rapidgator isnt nonpremium friendly :/
hello the movie 1533 Selfbondage in latex catsuit isn’t downloadable for free from either of the 2 platforms given…
Hi, try RG again.
Miracle Maniac – Latex and Bondage links are long dead. can you provide fresh links? Thank you.
Why are my vids being stolen from my site and displayed on this site for free?? If this continues I may as well stop producing vids… What is the point!! Lucy
The thumbnails that you upload with all the links from the host “bdsm-latex.net” are not showing.
what need I do that the link can be shown it?
Can you give us more download link?
The Rapidgator can’t open in my state
Hi, fboom.me works in your country?
yes.it work well
gil1506.rar on Rapidgator was not found. Can you upload it again?
Hi, file fixed for two hosts.
Hi, I love your site but would it be possible to enable the RSS feed? Or there is a specific reason why it is disabled? Since it is disabled I rarely visit the site because I always forget to check the new posts on my own.
Hi, RSS feed enabled for test time. https://www.bdsm-latex.net/feed/.
gil1448.rar on Rapidgator was not found. Can you upload it again?
Fixed 🙂
Sorry, I just read the message for the re-upload of gil1440 right now. Thank you again. 🙂
First of all, thanks to the website owners for their great job.
I’d like to mention that the first part of “Tight Rubber Cover” (gil1440.part1.rar) seems to have been deleted from Rapidgator. Thus, I’d like to request for it to be uploaded again.
Thank you in advance. Best regards.
Please reupload from Jewell Marceau – Masters Toy gil148.part.2 this link is deleted. Thank you and thank you for re-upload 1440
Please reupload from Tight Rubber Cover gil1440.part.6 this link is deleted. Thank you
Hi, only full reup. sorry
Where have all the http://uploaded.net Links gone for the last 5-6 videos? I’ve only just paid for a months subscription and rapidgator is a load of rubbish.
Sorry we can’t offer uploaded.net links for all new posts. But only with rapidgator we can give you more updates than before.
I dislike the “Rapid Gator” hosting. It keeps saying “You can`t download not more than 1 file at a time in free mode.” even several hours after my previous download.
Please can you reupload Latex Maid Service as the links are dead
Many Thanks.
Ps Love the site.
Thank you for posting the link for Latex Maid Service but is there any way you could post the free links sorry for been such a pain.
Who is the model in the video Latex Cam in the Bedroom?
Bound Latex for Pleasure Rapidgator link part 1 and 4 is broken, and other sites are not working as well – please fix Thanks 😀
Ah I am sorry, its
Bound for Latex Pleasure
my bad
reuploaded, enjoy it!
please reupload in another web
Charlotte – Perfect Wife in Bondage this video..
Big fan of your site
who is the girl in the video clear Latex private Session ?
Sophia Sylvan
Clear Latex Private Session
Oboom links are wrong. Pointed to another video – please fix 🙂 cheers
Fixed, thanks 🙂
“Duct Tape Hogtie” please reupload
Plaster Mummification II please reupload in the another web!
Latex Vacbed Milking File 3 says no longer available.
HI. The ‘Clear Latex in the Sauna’ is not available through rapidgator. Is there any chance you can fix this. thanks.
Could you please re-upload some of the old mummification videos?
Any chance of uploading ths clip from pervydolls.com?
“Fighting against a VacBed on 31°C”
The second rar for Extreme Rubber Milking is an exe and not the second part of the rar.
Hi we dont post exe file. Uploaded just added check box for uploaded downloader with your download. You can uncheck it before download gil1372.part2.rar.
thx for taking the time to reply…I will take a look and many thanks.
I want to experience hard cor latex bdsm
The following links are broken for rapidgator.
Any chance they can be fixed.
Latex Prison and Latex Prison 2.
Rubber Amenities, Rubber Amenities 2 and Rubber Amenities 3.
Blue Latex Bag.
Latex and 69 Bondage.
Latex Girl Bound in the Table.
Black Catsuit Hogtie says error on Uploaded pls fix thx
gil1311, gil1312, gil1314 file isn’t available.
please reupload, many thanks.
Hi, sorry to bother you again. The following great looking files are missing from Uploaded, could you possibly re-upload them? Thanks!!
1312: Tied in Hot Purple Latex
1314: Black Catsuit With Hood & Belts
1315: Black Catsuit Hogtie
Black Catsuit Hogtie and Tied in Hot Purple Latex links for rapidgator and ul.to is broken.
Please fixed it, thanks
I adore the current LATEX PHOTO OF THE NIGHT, could you give more details from what file does it came from?
photo: 5wnti35186ej.jpg
Hi, its from usenet. Source “unknown”
Rubber Amenities 2, 3 uploaded filepost rapidgator links dead. Please reload
Samantha’s Chastity and Latex link for rapidgator is broken.
Any chance it can be fixed?
RG link fixed, Enjoy it 🙂
Lydia Mummy link isn’t working, is it possible to reupload? thx
Links fixed
Awesome! Thx guys
Samantha’s Chastity and Latex 2 link was broken, please reupload, many thanks.
I adore the current LATEX PHOTO OF THE NIGHT, I believe this is Summer Cummings, or perhaps Brandy? Certainly a Devonshire Productions scene, I recognize the background. Absolutely loved Brian’s work (back the good old days), purchased many of their videotapes.
Question: Can you tell me what Devonshire video this is taken from? I desperately would like to locate.
For some strange reason I can’t un-archive any of the videos. It always gives me some error in winrar. Are they by any chance encrypted?
Hi, try latest winrar.